Sunday, July 18, 2010

Visit to a movie theatre with an abrupt ending.

One sunday he wakes up early at 8:30,has a quick look at the newspaper,grabs his jeans and heads towards the movie theater.How he arrives at his destination is beyond the scope of this article.He hops down from the six wheeler and walks like a breeze(whatever that means)towards a blue glassy edifice he sees at a distance.He puts his right hand in his rear pocket and feels his brand-less tattered wallet.He performs the same act again after 20 seconds or so but this time he ensures he possesses sufficient amount of currency to enter the edifice.Now he can see the ticket counter,he also sees round female bottoms in his sphere of visibility.Before he starts counting them he hears a feminine voice "yes" she says-a lady in red T-shirt in her late teens.
He heads towards screen number 3 which is showing the same movie which he is going to watch in the next 10 minutes or so.Time flies by and he finds himself seated uncomfortably on a red seat,he counts the number of seats on his right and then on left, finds that they don't match and differ by one.He deducts that number of seats are even and an individual is not given the privilege to think he occupies a central position.A national anthem breaks his thought process and the rest of the proceedings are more boring than the movie itself.It could have been a wonderful article.But life is not a movie right?

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